среда, 29 мая 2019
And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

фотограф Philippe Halsman, 1957 г.
And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

я лично впервые это вижу.
And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

вторник, 28 мая 2019
And the sun shone, having no alternative

Remedios Varo
And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative
And the sun shone, having no alternative

понедельник, 27 мая 2019
Жизнь хитра! Когда у меня на руках все карты - она внезапно решает играть в шахматы…
And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative