And the sun shone, having no alternative

суббота, 27 апреля 2019
And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative
And the sun shone, having no alternative

Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)
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And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative
And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

пятница, 26 апреля 2019
And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

Хватит ждать чуда! Пора самой чудить.^^

And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

And the sun shone, having no alternative

Хватит ждать чуда! Пора самой чудить.^^
And the sun shone, having no alternative